

I rolled my artwork from Türkenstraße to Pickwick’s, an English café by Schwedenplatz. On the way I remembered how girl's weren't allowed to play football at school. This seems also a border implied in this project, in the sense of borders defining fixed identities.

At evening I took it to Altes AKH, where I met with K, Christina, and some others. Our conversation eventually slided into Austrian elections –coming soon– as it often happens when languaje or migration pops up as a theme in Austria these days.

Then the ball gave place to a conversation about the difference between patriotism and nationalism, that arose from the starting point of football fanatism. In Mexico nationalism a connotation that is regarded as positive, with children honoring the flag and chanting the national hymn every monday 8 o’clock. I guess this kind of militaristic ceremonies would rather be warning sign around here.

Austria beat France 3:1.

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