

A new visual campaign has started this month for the upcoming elections. One of the candidates shows up wearing a country working shirt, sleeves up, having a full glass of healthy apple juice, beside a full untouched jar of the same drink, all on a nicely set simple wooden table with a white clean simple cloth, in front of a rural, farmer’s, house. And here, with a wide smile showing his white teeth, and with a generous hand gesture displaying his wedding ring, he says: “Austria for Austrians. Because of you." He calls to list him, "the original". Something that, altogether, made me think of Walter Benjamin's idea of aura.

An experiment started at CERN, inside a 27 kilometer tunnel bellow Switzerland and France, where very ephimeral supersymetric –antimatter– particles are expected to come out as a result of collision between two beams of protons, and other heavy things, traveling against one another almost at the speed of light, at a temperature of almost absolute zero degree. In mass media, it is called the most important-ever scientific and international experiment in history. There is this unlikely possibility, like one in three hundred thousand, that a black hole is formed, a very small and and short-living one.

I transported the ball to Pao’s, where we watched the Austria-Lithuania game, 2-0 for Lithuania.